Trusted legal advice since 1733
Blandy & Blandy Solicitors

About Us

With offices in Reading, Henley-on- Thames, Wokingham and London, Blandy & Blandy is recognised as one of the Thames Valley’s leading and longest established law firms. With a team of more than 60 lawyers and advisers, we are here to represent you in life and business.

Looking for expert legal advice?

Our Firm

You can count on our reputation as one of the Thames Valley's leading firms of solicitors.

We are committed to providing you with clear, practical and effective legal advice, a responsive and highly personal service and, crucially, value for money.

Having marked our 290th anniversary in 2023, we are also one of the UK's most established law firms. We combine our heritage and independence with a modern and forward-thinking approach.

We are very proud of the fact that many of our clients stay with us throughout their lifetimes and to act for families, and indeed businesses, across generations.

From redundancy to challenges in your business, a relationship breakdown, moving house or planning for your family’s future, we have the experience to help you and, working remotely or in person, our lawyers are here to help.

Whether you are the director of a large company, someone running your own fast-growing business, a house builder kick-starting a new development, a landowner, or a trustee or leader of a charity or educational institution, we recognise that you are still an individual.

We are committed to ensuring that you benefit from the confidence, consistency and cost-efficiency which comes with being able to trust one firm with your legal needs, in life and in business.

Our colleagues are specialist experts and members of industry leading professional bodies, including Law Society panels. 

Since 2003, we have held the Law Society’s Lexcel quality mark , among only 10% of solicitors firms in England and Wales to have achieved this. 

We are also consistently recognised as a top tier firm of solicitors in the UK's leading guides to law firms, Chambers UK, Chambers High Net Worth Guide and The Legal 500, and we continue to receive a growing number of awards and nominations.

Our Firm

Our Community

In the past decade, Blandy & Blandy is proud to have donated over £100,000 to local charities, some of which are highlighted below.

We are delighted to currently be working with two fantastic organisations, Berkshire Women's Aid (BWA) and The Cowshed.

Whilst our “adopted” charities, chosen by colleagues, remain our primary focus, we also seek to support other local causes and events in our local communities, where possible. Examples include supporting The Kenton Theatre, Henley in Bloom, the Henley Arts Trail, the Wokingham May Fayre and Winter Carnival, Arts4Wokingham, and a new artistic map of Wokingham designed to promote independent businesses in the town, as well as a number of local sports clubs, participating in events such as the Reading Pancake Race and the Reading Legal Walk, and being a partner of Ethical Reading.

For over 20 years, we have also supported Cancer Research UK, through the charity’s free Will scheme. Alongside our clients, we have helped to raise nearly £1.5 million, through pledges and donations, resulting in our firm being presented with a gold award for fundraising in 2019.

Members of our team give their time in other ways too. Examples range from serving as trustees or governors, through to teaching and mentoring school pupils and university students, cycling, walking and running to raise funds, collecting donations, gardening and delivering food bank donations to the community.

Our Community

Our Environment


We seek to minimise our consumption by promoting the responsible use of energy among our colleagues and investing in energy-efficient premises, hardware and devices and technology.

Our offices at 1 Friar Street and 24 Thameside are powered by 100% renewable electricity and in the near future will also be heated by green or Carbon offset gas.

We will ensure that we have and display Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) or Energy Performance Reports (EPRs) for our offices, and review these closely to ensure a clear understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of our premises.


We will minimise our consumption by using water responsibly, promoting this among our colleagues, and investing in water-saving sanitary ware, plumbing and appliances.

Paper and printing

We aim to use paper that is recycled or sustainably sourced (i.e. FSC certified) and we encourage colleagues to only print where essential, with double sided black and white printing our default setting.

Our materials are primarily designed to be used digitally, but when small print runs are required, we will always use FSC certified or recyclable stock. 

We also aim to limit our printing and indeed postage by working and communicating electronically wherever possible.

Waste and recycling

We are committed to minimising our waste output and to efficent and effective recycling. We aim to limit any waste being sent to landfill through continuing to broaden the range of items that can be recycled in our offices and our non-recyclable waste is instead directed to a waste for energy plant.

We also aim to limit our printing and indeed postage by working and communicating electronically wherever possible.


We seek to identify and purchase the most environmentally friendly and recyclable option when making a purchasing decision and we are committed to significantly reducing and limiting our use of single use plastic.

We also aim to limit our printing and indeed postage by working and communicating electronically wherever possible.


Our most recent staff survey showed that 93% of colleagues commute via public transport, walking or bicycle. We aim to support this by providing interst free season ticket loans and supporting the Cycle to Work scheme.

We promote the use of video conferencing where practical and in the best interests of our clients, and aim to limit unecessary travel. When travelling between our offices or for appointments, colleagues are encouraged to use public transport or our firm's chosen taxi provider, to reduce the number of cars on our roads.

Our Environment

Client Feedback

Our successful approach is evident in the excellent feedback that many of our clients kindly continue to share, so you can be confident that you are in the very best hands when it comes to legal advice.

We seek and listen carefully to your feedback, to help us maintain and continue to improve the legal services and client care we provide.

Blandy & Blandy has been widely praised in our latest annual satisfaction survey, to which nearly 400 clients kindly responded.

In our client feedback survey:

  • 98% would recommend our firm to others.
  • 91% of clients rated our firm's overall service as ‘excellent’ and 9% as ‘good’.
  • 91% of clients rated our firm's approachability as ‘excellent’ and 9% as ‘good’.
  • 87% of clients rated our firm's communications as ‘excellent’ and 12% as ‘good’.
  • 88% of clients rated our firm's responsiveness as ‘excellent’ and 11% as ‘good’.
  • 98% of client's said they felt able to make well informed decisions.
  • 100% of clients said that our firm helped them to achieve their aims.
  • 96% of clients felt that our firm’s services represented value for money.

As with any service, please explore what our clients have said about working with us through review sites including Google Reviews and Review Solicitors. Our current ratings and reviews can also be viewed to the side of your screen.

Client Feedback

Our International Network

Reading and the Thames Valley region are leading destinations for multinational businesses and inward investment.

Responding to this demand, we are members of the Law Firm Network, a global network of more than 60 independent law firms worldwide.

Our relationships with the other member firms in the Network means that we can also refer clients based in the UK to, and work with on their behalf, like-minded lawyers overseas.

Having marked its 30th anniversary in 2018, the Law Firm Network is consistently recognised as a leading international network in Chambers Global Guide.

Blandy & Blandy is also an approved organisation listed on the UK Investment Support Directory, maintained by the UK Government’s Department for International Trade (DIT).

Our International Network

18th Century

Blandy & Blandy can trace its roots back to 1733, with the firm having celebrated its 285th anniversary at its annual summer garden party in 2018.

The Blandys were a well-connected landed family who had lived in Berkshire for many generations.

In the mid-18th century, William Blandy Senior was an ironmonger and coal merchant, based at Duke Street in Reading. He is thought to have lived in London Street. Working in partnership with John Man, they later established the Reading Navigation Company, operating from 'Blandy's Wharf' on the River Kennet. Part of the site was later sold and became better known as Blake's Wharf.

William' son, William Blandy Junior, joined the business and went on to become Mayor of Reading. In partnership with Robert Palmer, a member of another prominent family, Blandy & Palmer was founded in 1797. In addition to coal and ironmongery, the business dealt in slate, timber and salt.

William Blandy Senior's younger son, John Blandy, trained as a solicitor in Henley-on-Thames under his father's cousin, Francis Blandy, who was also the town's clerk.

Francis Blandy's daughter, the now infamous Mary Blandy, was hanged in Oxford for her father's murder in 1752. In April 2022, Blandy & Blandy sponsored a play, 'Mary Blandy: A Retrial' at The Kenton Theatre in Henley-on-Thames. It raised several thousand pounds for the charity-run Chiltern Centre in the town.

John Blandy took a lease of the messuage with gardens courtyard and stable at 1 Friar Street from John Blagrave (as in Blagrave Street) on the 29 December 1798 at a rent of 4 pounds.

It is well known that the building sits on land that was originally the hospitium or guest house of the great abbey founded in Reading in 1121 by Henry I (1100-1135), and dissolved in 1539 under Henry VIII (1509-1547), when Hugh Faringdon, the last Abbot, was executed. An excavation carried out at the property in 1998-99 revealed some medieval tiles, which were probably part of the floor of the hospitium, as they are similar in type to those in the Reading Museum, which came from the Abbey.

Detail from an OS map of 1841 shows 1 Friar Street and the covered walkway leading to the graveyard of St. Lawrence’s Church. There is also reference to a bank, the original site of Stephens Blandy & Co., which became Lloyds Bank.

Prior to John Blandy’s occupation of the property in 1798 it had been a Schoolmaster’s house, believed to be owned by Dr Anthony Addington, who inherited a property from his father in law, Dr Haviland Hiley, headmaster of the Reading Grammar School. An 1843 survey of the Blagrave estates describes 1 Friar Street as ‘formerly the Schoolmaster’s house and after, the Mitre Tavern, formerly in the occupation of John Chaplin and then of James Hawkes’. W.E.M. Blandy suggested that the deep cellars running under part of the garden were a relic from the period as a tavern. It seems that Dr Addington sold the house in 1784 to John Henry Blagrave on his retirement and subsequent move to Windsor to attend King George III. Dr Anthony Addington had earlier treated Francis Blandy, who has been poisoned with Arsenic, leading to his death.

19th Century

19th Century

1 Friar Street was leased to the partners by the Blagrave Estate until 25 June 1875 when William Frank Blandy bought the freehold.

At this time a new Victorian town hall was being completed to the designs of the highly successful architect Alfred Waterhouse (best known for London's Natural History Museum), which may have prompted William Frank Blandy to commission Frederick W. Albury, a senior partner of one of the oldest and best known firms of architects in Reading, Brown & Albury of 154 Friar Street, to draw up plans to modernize the building from the dated Georgian style to the modern Gothic Revival into which the Town Hall had been transformed. It may have been at this time that the building belonging to and adjoining St Lawrence’s Church was pulled down and the passage through the church yard to Friar Street opened fully.

20th Century

20th Century

In 1935 Dryland Haslam, a forebear of Haslams, prepared plans on the occasion of a Bill being promoted in Parliament, which proposed the acquisition of 1 Friar Street for an addition to the Municipal buildings. The section of the Bill relating to 1 Friar Street was stopped after a hearing before a committee of the House of Lords.

In 1939, after the start of the Second World War, the Council asked permission to dig a tunnel, called a creepway, five feet below the ground from the basement of the Town Hall through the garden of 1 Friar Street and onto St Lawrence’s Churchyard in order that staff in the Control Centre in the Town Hall could escape if need be following an air raid warning. It seems Mr Blandy agreed to this provided the tunnel was filled in after the war, but there is no evidence to suggest that this tunnel was ever dug. 

The Gothic Revival frontage so proudly erected by W.F. Blandy was but fifty years old when on a grey and drizzly day, Wednesday 10 February 1943, a solitary German bomber, identified as a Dornier DO217, flew very low over the town dropping a stick of bombs and machine gunning people in the streets of north Reading and Caversham. Four bombs fell in a line from Minster Street to Friar Street, with the result that the front of 1 Friar Street was completely destroyed. Luckily most shops in Reading were closed on that Wednesday afternoon as it was half day closing, so fewer people than might have been usual were in the town. However 49 people were seriously injured and 41 killed, one of whom was Mr Ted Blandy’s clerk, Mr Frank Seymour, who was working with Mr Ted at the time in an office at the front of the building. Mr Ted also received injuries as a result of the bomb.

After the bomb damage temporary accommodation was taken at number 8 The Forbury, and Mr Ted Blandy instructed Mr Smith, Architect of Reading, to draw up plans for the rebuilding of 1 Friar Street, which was not completed until about 1951. The entrance was now placed at the side of the building, accessed from the footpath leading through St Lawrence’s Churchyard.

The Town Hall had been severely damaged by the bomb as well and the Corporation asked permission to erect temporary premises in the garden of 1 Friar Street. The Corporation gave up these buildings in the late 1970s, when the new Civic Centre was opened, and the Litigation Department of the firm moved into them.

In the early 1990s the building was again altered when the main entrance was placed at the front of the building. The ‘temporary’ buildings, formerly occupied by the Town Hall and subsequently by our Dispute Resolution team, were demolished in late 1999 and in 2000 a large extension was built, providing more office space to accommodate the expanding firm. The architects of this development were Hives & Co., of Reading.

A member of the Blandy family remained actively involved in the firm until the end of the 20th Century, maintaining a constant association spanning more than 200 year. Today, 1 Friar Street remains in family ownership and Blandy & Blandy's main office.

21st Century

21st Century

With a team of more than 60 solicitors and over 100 staff, based in Reading, Henley-on-Thames and Wokingham, Blandy & Blandy continues to grow.

In 2015 the firm relocated its second Reading office from the building now known as Forbury Works to 33 Blagrave Street, re-establishing a link with the Blagrave name dating back to 1798.

In 2016 Blandy & Blandy opened a new office on Hart Street in Henley-on-Thames, almost opposite Francis Blandy's former home of Blandy House, after acquiring the business of Collins Dryland & Thorowgood LLP. The move reconnected Blandy & Blandy with its roots in the town dating back three centuries. In spring 2019, Blandy & Blandy relocated and welcomed guests to an event at its new offices at 24 Thameside.

In 2018 Blandy & Blandy acquired the private client business of Clarkslegal LLP, also based in Reading. 

That year the firm also celebrated its 285th anniversary.

On 1 April 2021, Brenda Long, the firm's first female chair, was succeeded by Nick Burrows, who was in turn succeeded in July 2024 by Claire Dyer, head of the firm's Family Law team. Blandy & Blandy's current joint managing partners are Jonathan Gater and Tim Clark.

At the firm's summer garden party in 2023 Blandy & Blandy celebrated its 290th anniversary, whilst it was announced that a new Wokingham office would be opening later that year. Indeed, the new office opened that October and continues to go from strength to strength.

Today Blandy & Blandy is recognised as a top tier firm in the UK's leading guides to law firms, Chambers UK, Chambers High Net Worth Guide and The Legal 500, and has received a series of notable nominations and awards in recent years.

“A standout firm of solicitors in Reading and the Thames Valley.”

The Legal 500

“The best in Reading.”

Chambers UK

“Provides an excellent service at a fair cost and places its clients best interests as its first priority.”

The Legal 500

“A longstanding and well respected Reading firm with deep roots in the area.”

Chambers UK

“Blandy & Blandy’s excellent team is responsive, commercial and prepared to roll up their sleeves.”

The Legal 500

“An impressive outfit with a powerful client base. It competes admirably with firms in London.”

Chambers UK

“Solicitors who really get under the skin of the business.”

The Legal 500

“The team is always available and they never fail to deliver.”

Chambers UK

“High net worth individuals, multi-million-pound trusts and estates, and the owners and directors of family and owner-managed businesses retain the practice.”

The Legal 500

“Solicitors who are willing to go the extra mile with a very quick response time.”

Chambers UK

“A thirst to achieve the very best outcome for their client.”

The Legal 500

“Clients have complete confidence in them. They give a very personalised and bespoke service.”

Chambers UK